It started last week, we notice Jace had a little cough so we took him to the doctor. The Dr. said it was just a cold and not to worry about it, by Saturday it was a 101 degree fever a severe cough and a little boy who didn't want to leave my lap, so back to the Dr. we went, this time it was a viral infection and his first ever ear infection (can you believe that 10 months, his sister had already had at least five by the time she was ten months). Then we noticed Elizabeth had a little cough....It is now Thursday and I am the only one in the family who escaped from this nasty bug that has been circulating our family. The good news is Jace is back to his old tricks, Elizabeth was well enough to go to school today and Daddy is back to normal again.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Mommy I'm sick...
Four Years
Four years ago today, I married my prince charming, and though it hasn't always been perfect, I would not change one minute of it. Thank you Josh, for being my best friend, amazing father and most wonderful husband a girl could ever ask for, I love you with all my heart and can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Happy Anniversary!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
For Christmas this year I was given a cupcake decorator, so I decided to try it out for my girls weekend. Elizabeth is a sugar addict just like her mother and so of course she want to "help". We made blue, green and pink cupcakes that didn't turn out too bad considering they were my first ones. As a treat for being such a good helper Elizabeth got to pick out the one she wanted, the conversation went something like this, "Elizabeth do you want a cupcake?", "yes please mommy", which one do you want?", "the big pink on please", "how about the green on without the mound of icing", "no mommy I need the pink one". She is such a girl.
Gilrs Weekend!
This past weekend the women on my mothers side of the family had our first ever girls weekend! It was an amazing time filled with a lot of laughter, and a ton of delicious food. We rented a huge house on Emerald Isle which was beautiful. The weather of course decided not to cooperate but it was still nice to be at the beach (by the way ladies it was 64 degrees here yesterday). I really can't wait to do it all over again next year, thanks for all the great memories! Special thanks to my in laws who came up to help look after the kiddos, it was nice to know that Josh had some help! Lynnie being silly
All the girls
Everyone helping in the kitchen
My cousin Dawn and Me
My aunt Diane, Dawn and Mom Relaxing
10 Months!!!!
Sweet baby boy, it is hard to believe that 10 months ago you can rushing into this world. It is even harder to believe how much you are loved and adored by your mommy and daddy. You have had a lot of first this month, you can stand for a few seconds on your own, you can now wave and stretch your arm out when you see something you want, you hold your arms up when you want to be held and you have had your first bad cold. You still love to take a bath with you sissy and don't ever want to get out, you follow her around and pick up all the food she drops, and you love it when she plays with you, you laugh and laugh. Blinky is still your comfort toy along with your fingers you have a very hard time falling asleep with out them, and you have now settled into a great sleeping pattern, you still take a little morning nap, followed by a hour and a half afternoon nap and you are usually ready for bed by 8 and sleep till 7am. You are the fastest crawler I have ever seen and know that when you are not suppose to get into something that is the time when your true speed comes out. We love to hear you "talk", DaDa is still your favorite but you are starting to use some jibberish, I know your first word is coming soon. Thank you for being the sweet little guy who love to cuddle (for a second) and is always ready to give you a gorgeous smile. We can't wait to see what you will be like next month. 10 month stats: 22.4 pounds and 30 inches!
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Princess
For Christmas this year Grammie bought Elizabeth every princess dress that Disney makes and every morning since she has been a different princess. She gets more girly by the day!!!! Sleeping Beauty
The Bride
The Fairy
Don't let this face fool you....
Yes he is, in my opinion adorable and I must admit I love those cheeks but don't let that angelic face fool you he is trouble! This little boy is into everything!!!! He now understands the word no but thinks that if he gives you one of those beautiful smiles he can get away with whatever he wants! I definitely see trouble in my future!!!!!!
A South Carolina New Year's!
After our stay at home Christmas we decided to take a trip to South Carolina for New Year's. We had such a good time visiting with family and spending quality time with the kids we were definitely sad to see it end. Both the kids had a blast being spoiled by Grandpoppy and Grandmommy, they enjoy the phrase "anything you want". It is sad to think that this will be our last trip down with Josh until he gets back from his deployment but at least he got to go "home" one more time. Grandpoppy & Lizzy feeding the horses
Jace taking his first steps behind his new toy
Uncle Jack, Lizzie and Jace riding the horsey
Cousin Carolina sharing her computer with Lizzie
Grandmommy showing Lizzie her new frame
Grammie or Santa......
Grammie paid us a great visit over the holidays. It was a very uneventful visit, which is extremely rare in our lives, and it could not have been any better! Thanks Grammie for the memories....baking cookies, riding my bike and all the love, we can't wait till next time!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Christmas this year was truly the most wonderful time!!! First of all Josh was home this year which I hope and pray that we will never have another Christmas without him. It was so hard last year when he was in Iraq, it just didn't feel right celebrating without him. Plus it was the first time that we spent Christmas in our own house. My mom came down to spend some time with us so we would not be completely without family and it was wonderful. We have spent the past Christmas' traveling between Maryland and South Carolina and decided that it would be too hard to do that with two small kids this year and boy am I glad we decided to stay home. I now know that Christmas is truly a child's holiday, it was so much fun Christmas morning seeing Elizabeth so excited. She is at that perfect age were opening presents is fun and seeing her get the bicycle that she has wanted for so long was more of a present than I could ever open. It was a great week filled with food and family, I truly could not have asked for more.
Nine Months!
I can't believe that my little baby is now nine months old. He is such a boy, into everything and loves to bang anything he can get his hands on together...He is now cruising and loves to eat table food. Dr. Mittal gave him a great report at his appointment telling us he is normal, this may sound boring to the average person but to the parents of one preemie normal is what you strive for! Jace is 20.14 pounds (in the 50th percentile), and 29.5 inches tall (the 95th percentile). He is definitely tall for his age, it took Elizabeth 14 months to hit that height. It is hard to believe that his next appointment is the big year mark, I have loved every minute of this past nine months and can't wait to see what he is like in another nine months!