Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mommy I'm sick...

It started last week, we notice Jace had a little cough so we took him to the doctor. The Dr. said it was just a cold and not to worry about it, by Saturday it was a 101 degree fever a severe cough and a little boy who didn't want to leave my lap, so back to the Dr. we went, this time it was a viral infection and his first ever ear infection (can you believe that 10 months, his sister had already had at least five by the time she was ten months). Then we noticed Elizabeth had a little cough....It is now Thursday and I am the only one in the family who escaped from this nasty bug that has been circulating our family. The good news is Jace is back to his old tricks, Elizabeth was well enough to go to school today and Daddy is back to normal again.


dhoop kinara said...
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crazymom said...

girl, i am so sorry everyone is sick, thank the lord they are all on their way to feeling better. we have had the sickys for over 2 weeks in this house. hard to see over that mountain i tell ya , pink eye back and forth, cough, ear infections, fevers. will it ever end. we miss ya rc