Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Crash and Burn

Today in NC it was beautiful, so Elizabeth, Jace and I decided to wait for her teacher outside by the gate and enjoy some fresh air. I wasn't the only parent with this bright idea though, so as we were all patiently waiting the kids got a bit bored (as we all know two year olds do) and decided to do a little running around. Elizabeth was the one casualty...or should I say her lip.....

After a lot of screaming and even more blood we rushed over to the doctors office, I have to say I love her doctors office, I called and told them what happened and that we were on our way and they assured us right in, the doctor told us that it looked a lot worse than it is and that she didn't need any stitches. Thank Goodness. She also said to give Elizabeth as many popsicles as possible to help with the swelling, needless to say this is not a hard task. The best part about the whole thing was after I got her back in her car seat she said, "Mommy can I go to school?"

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1 comment:

crazymom said...

OHHH OHHHH, my sweet ones! I cant believe her little lip. Looks like it hurt! Give her some extra love from her Aunt Rah Rah!!!!! Jackie Rose said,, OUCH!