Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I Can't Comprend...

On Thursday I helped out at the kiddos school, it was picture day and I was watching all the kids in the hall while they waited to get their pictures taken. The school has a pre-school program as well as a 2 and 3 year old program plus it has a drop off facility for kids 4 months and up. I have been using this center since Elizabeth was nine months old and Jace has been going since he was five months old. I love all the teachers and the staff who have really grown to love my kids. It truly is a wonderful place for military families most of whose husbands are deployed or training.

OK back to the story. There was one little girl who had to wait an especially long time because there was a family of three before her. I won't give her name but she was the cutest little 15 month old I have seen. She was very smiley and happy and I got to play with her for about 25 minutes. This is were the story gets bad....she died the next morning. They suspect it was viral meningitis. The Dad checked on his beautiful little girl before he left for work that morning around 6am, at 8am the Mother went into wake up her darling and she wasn't responsive. It turns my stomach to think about that Mom walking into that nursery and finding her daughter. I can't begin to imagine the pain and torture that poor family is going through. So please if you can find a minute in your day today, say a little prayer for that family. There is definitely another Angel in Heaven today.

*I took both kids to see the Doctor this morning and both are fine*

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1 comment:

crazymom said...

oh my gosh that makes me sick to even think about it. that poor family, they will forever be in my hearts, and prayers, that is only 1 month older than willie!UHHHH

thank god you checked the kids out, that was my though, oh no what about my babies!!!hold them tight for me tonight,,,,, what a blessing God gave you,, 25 minutes of a wonderful little girls,, changes your life,,,, we love you lady!!!!! ......sigh,,,,