Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Priss and the Haircut

So anyone who knows me knows that I have the straightest hair there is and my lovely daughter has extremely curly hair. Needless to say I have know clue what to do with it, so I decided it was looking a little rough lately and she needed to get it cut. Cutting her hair would not be an easy task for anyone, she has some of the worst ca licks ever that add to the fact I can't do her hair. So anyway, I took her for her first hair cut not knowing exactly how she would react, especially at her age it could have gone either way..Thankfully my daughter is as prissy as they come and loved every minute of looking at herself in the mirror and getting her hair "pretty", as she called it. Here are some pictures of the results. Much better!

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1 comment:

crazymom said...

Very cute! Now her hair is going to grow so fast! I can't keep up with JR's hair! Or Willies for that matter!! miss you, rc